Novambr: li mwa michif ~ Metis Awareness Month

The rain, snow and darker days of this month have been filled with many beautiful teachings in #SD8ABED. Kischii itaytamihk ~ we are so grateful.

As the days become darker, the leaves fall off of the trees, and the snow begins to fall, I strongly feel our interconnection with each other and all of nature. Just as the crawlers, the swimmers, the flyers, the four-leggeds, and the plants slow down and go within, the two-leggeds, too, feel this impulse (at least, I sure do!). 

It is the intention of holistic wellness and going deeper that guides my teaching and connections with these wonderful young people at this time: how can we slow down and find depth; how do we tap into our hearts and our spirits during these darker days?

We have been so fortunate in ABED this month to have had so many opportunities to come together, be in nature, and engage in mindful activities that help calm our busy brains. We have also been able to celebrate through dance and drumming!

Please enjoy these highlights from our month.

Louis Riel Day, Metis Flag-raising Ceremony with Elders Don Courson and Christopher Yates

Red River Resistance Teachings and Minature Red River Cart Construction

Medicine Wheel Teachings: holistic wellness and finding balance between our mind, body, heart, and spirit. Many powerful reflections shared from these amazing humans.

Connection. Laughter. Joy.  Kaa-wiichihitoyaahk ~ We take care of each other. Marsi for brightening the dark days, young people.

Mindful Metis finger-weaving as we connect and share stories.

Beadwork circles with teachings shared by the wonderful knowledge-keeper Danica Weager. Learning takes time and patience.

Metis jigging with the incomparable Madelaine McCallum: Madelaine’s story and teachings brightened our minds, bodies, and spirits.

Highlighting Indigenous Brilliance: Metis Student Role Model of the Month, Lauren Yanke.

Learning from the land, on the land, together.

Drum circle and teachings with Elder Donna Wright

ABED lunch

Kischiitayimoohk di li zhenn moond pi toot lis kishkayihtuhk daan li mwa di michif ~ I am proud of these young people and all of their learnings this month of Metis Awareness.